
Running Horse

Eadweard Muybridge (April 9, 1830 – May 8, 1904) was an English-born photographer, known primarily for his early use of multiple cameras to capture motion, and his zoopraxiscope, a device for projecting motion pictures that pre-dated celluloid film strip still used today.


NAi exhibition

Corporate Colonialism
exhibition by invitation from Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi)
june 30th – august 26th
canvas: 160 cm wide, 160 cm high; 220 cm wide, 160 cm high


as multinational conglomerates build up their self-enclosed, self promoting worlds, they create new and varied possibilities for conflict of interest and censorship
wooden panel: 54 cm wide, 122 cm high
text: Klein, Naomi, 2001, No Logo, London, Harper Collins Publishers


freedom without opportunity is a devil's gift (noam chomsky)
wooden panel: 122 cm wide, 94 cm high
text: Klein, Naomi, 2001, No Logo, London, Harper Collins Publishers

Corporate Headquarters part one

over time copyright laws have been transformed from their original purpose of regulating the publishing industry to instead regulating its custumers, artists and audiences
wooden panel: 75 cm wide, 110 cm high
text: Liang, Lawrence, 2004, Guide to Open Content Licenses, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Piet Zwart Institute

Corporate Headquarters part two

i want to make the public aware of something they do not quite know that they know – or have them feel that way. (...) it is about transferring information, but at the same time a certain lack of specificity
wooden panel: 75 cm wide, 110 cm high
text: Gibson, William, 2003, Pattern Recognition, London, Viking Publishers

CocaBells part one

what is being betrayed are the central promises of the information-age: the promises of choice, interactivity and increased freedom.
wooden panel: 240 cm wide, 42 cm high
text: Klein, Naomi, 2001, No Logo, London, Harper Collins Publishers

CocaBells part two

or maybe it is the repetition. maybe you have been looking at this stuff for so long that you have read all this into it, and talking with other people who have been doing the same thing.
wooden panel: 180 cm wide, 90 cm high
text: Gibson, William, 2003, Pattern Recognition, London, Viking Publishers

CocaBells revisited

you just have to love andy
canvas: 70 cm wide, 50 cm high

CCTV part one

confusing the audience with participants, is walking the thin line between the publics right to receive information and the citizens right of privacy
wooden panel: 60 cm wide, 75 cm high
text: Winston, Brian, 2000, Lies, Damn Lies and Documentaries, London, British Film Institute

CCTV part two

what is at stake is not the availability of cheap products but the free publication of, or access to, a healthy diversity of ideas. the concentration of ownership among internet, publishing and book retail does not help.
wooden panel: 60 cm wide, 75 cm high
text: Klein, Naomi, 2001, No Logo, London, Harper Collins Publishers


CCTV part three

publics interest of having free availability and flow of information in the public domain is constrained by the fact that content owners shield of the use of information
wooden panel: 60 cm wide, 75 cm high
Liang, Lawrence, 2004, Guide to Open Content Licenses, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Piet Zwart Institute